
DECOLONYCITIES are performative and dance interventions in Hamburg’s urban space that deal with a decolonizing view of the city of Hamburg. For these projects, performers and dancers from the former German colonies are invited to Hamburg.

Through artistic research on site, they deal with the colonial past anchored in public space. The focus is on the interweaving of individual experiences and biographies of the actors with the colonial past of the city and the current representation of colonial signs. The result is a performative audio walk in which the audience receives an audio piece via headphones while the performative live interventions of the dancers take place in public space.


DECOLONYCITIES creates its own physical-choreographic perspective and thus a critical-artistic and decolonised view of the city of Hamburg. So far, three projects have been realized between the cities of Dar es Salaam, Kigali and Windhoek in collaboration with Hamburg institutions such as Kampnagel in 2019, the MARKK Museum in 2021 and The museum of Hamburg History and Kampnagel (2022).

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