June 24th to 26th, 2022 Kampnagel /Museum of Hamburg History
Meeting point: Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte /Holstenwall 24
In DECOLONYCITIES Windhoek-Hamburg, the choreographer will explore wiTh dancers and one artist from Windhoek traces of Hamburg’s colonial past and perform at locations around the Museum for Hamburger History, the Bismarck Monument and Baakenhafen. Dancers and artists from Windhoek occupy the public space for a moment to expose their artistic interpretation in the context of decolonization in dance interventions. Hamburg’s history with its trade and port is determined by its colonial past. The German Empire was a colonial power in Namibia from 1884 to 1915 and brutally put down two uprisings of the Ova-Herero and Nama. Hamburg formed a logistical hub for military supplies during the genocide of the Namibian population.The performative tour also takes the audience to Baakenhafen. On foot and on the launch, the viewers listen to statements by the artists and critical texts on the interpretation of Hamburg’s colonial history via headphones, always in relation to the formerly colonized. A Namibian artist deals with the representation of colonial history and showed on display a temporarely exhibition of her work at the open space. In this audio walk, the dancers* intervene at sites of memory and create a physical-choreographic decolonizing perspective on the city of Hamburg.
[Concept/Choreography] Yolanda Gutiérrez
[By and with] Faizel Browny, Justina Andreas, Uarije West.
[Performance/Visual art] Vitjitua Ndjiharine
[Management] Gesine Kästner
[Assistance Management] Lucia Lilen Heffner and Faizel Browny (Windhoek)
[Video/Foto] Willem Vrey (Windhoek)
[Dramaturgy/Narrator voice German] Judith Mauch and Heiko Büter
[Collaboration Historian] Jan Kawlath
[Press and Public relations] Andrea Möller
[Graphik Design] Dr. Calavera
[Narrators voice English] Zainab X and William Holley
[KCostume Design] Yupanqui Ramos
[Video/Foto/Audio] Munimum Art
Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Dance Assistance Program.
Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg
A project of yolanda gutiérrez & projects together with Kampnagel and the Museum of Ham burg History.