July 24 to 25, 2020 – Festival Die irritierte Stadt

10 am & 12 pm/ 12 pm & 2 pm
International Festival DIE IRRITIERTE STADT, Stuttgart.

Presenting the project at the International Festival Theater der Welt (2017) in Hamburg and last year at the International Dance Festival JULIDANS (2019), this project is now being realized in Stuttgart. After the performances in Hamburg and Amsterdam, in which Gutiérrez had worked with local dancers, scientists and theater makers, she established this form of artistic narrative.

More infos here: Die Irritierte Stadt / Website

This project will collect and filter information about the colonial past in Baden-Württemberg, especially in the city of Stuttgart, and present it in a performative way. They are depicted as a complex fusion of historical facts, personal biographies and interviews, which are conveyed as audio files via headphones. The dancers transform this information into body interventions that relate to the different places in the city where they occur. Similar to a performative city tour, the audience experience offers a different perspective of German colonial history.

Decolonize your mind! Decolonize your body! Decolonize your city!

Many thanks especially to Lindemuseum in Stuttgart as well to Axel Brauch und Gesine Mahr for the collaboration.


[Concept/Choreography] Yolanda Gutiérrez
[By and with] Selina Koch, Martina Gunkel, Yahi Nestor Gahe, Carmen Scarano           [Production Management] Fabian Lang
[Assistance] Carl Will
[Audio Artist] Mathias Schneider-Hollek
[Dramaturgy] Magda Agudelo
[Narrators voice] Christiane Klann
[Fotos] Michael Raudies

DIE IRRITIERTE STADT is a project of Akademie Schloss Solitude, Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart, Musik der Jahrhunderte, Produktionszentrum Tanz und Performance, Theater Rampe and the Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart im Rahmen von Tanzpakt Stuttgart. Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien as the Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart.

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