October 8th to 9th, 2021
URBAN BODIES PROJECT – HAMBURG Re-Mapping Hamburg Lisboa with
Goethe Institute Hamburg & Lisbon


Meeting point: Bismarck-Statue(Alter-Elbpark) in Richtung
Start: 5:30 pm /on Saturday also at 2:30 pm.

The Goethe-Institut Hamburg and Yolanda Gutiérrez invite, as part of the project “remapping Hamburg-Lisbon”, to an artistic intervention in selected locations of the above-mentioned project to explore and process colonial traces in the urban geography of the cities of Hamburg and Lisbon. In Hamburg, the ensemble from 2017 will come together to present dance interventions combined with a silent-walk.

“Remapping” questions on a comparative basis what role colonial traces have left behind in the city of Hamburg as it is lived today and how they continue to have an effect on our everyday life here. These places will initially be dealt with on the basis of texts and interviews by academics and activists. At the same time as the texts are published on a separate website, selected sites will be the subject of an artistically intervening city tour to enable visitors to actively engage with these places.

Artistic direction/concept/choreography: Yolanda Gutiérrez
Assistance: Lucia Lilen Heffner
Choreography/Dance/Performance: Kossi Sébastien Aholou-wokawui, Faizel Browny, Eva Lomby und Chi Him Chik.
Narrator’s voice: Judith Mauch

With texts from: Jokinen, Jan Kawlath und Yingrui Bi, aswell as from Anke Schwarzer im Interview with Elaine Thomas.

Editing Audios/Foto/Video Documentation: Munimum_Phtography

Funded by the Goethe Institut Hamburg and Behörde für Kultur and Media Hamburg (Diffusionsförderung DfDK – Wiederaufnahme).



URBAN BODIES PROJECT-HAMBURG is funding by the Goethe Institut Hamburg and the revival and guest performance funding of the Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg, on behalf of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Department of Culture and Media.

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